Containers for Change Brings Real Change
The Mount Lawley Rotary Club is running a Containers for Change recycling program. This project raises funds for disadvantaged people in our local community. It also supports international projects that assist communities in need.
The benefits of recycling eligible containers include:
- Conservation of natural resources.
- Reduction of Energy Consumption.
- Reduction in landfill space used.
- Decreases pollution and cuts greenhouse gas emissions.
Contact our club and arrange to receive a customised recycling bag, or simply:
- Save up your eligible containers.
- Take them to your nearest recycling centre, and
- Use the recycling code C10336453 to donate and support our club.
We thank you for your generous support of this project, which benefits our environment and the community at large. We also thank our generous sponsor HOLMAN for their support of this project in providing funds for the recycling bags used to store eligible containers.